General Orders

General Orders are the policies governing most aspects of our day-to-day operations and actions. Our General Orders are the culmination of laws, legal decisions, best practices, and community input. They serve as a daily guide for our employees, ensuring we maintain a professional workforce and act in ways that are consistent with training and Virginia law enforcement accreditation standards.

In 2017, former Chief John Piper established a policy review workgroup comprised of officers and civilian personnel. The group is tasked with thoroughly examining each of our General Orders to ensure that each policy reflects the highest levels of professionalism that our community expects from its Police Department.

Additional General Orders will be continuously uploaded to this page after comprehensive review and approval by the Command Staff and Chief Behan.

General Orders

2-2 Patrol(PDF, 275KB)

2-4G Police Canine(PDF, 184KB)

2-9 Juvenile Procedures(PDF, 234KB)

2-10 In Custody Restraints(PDF, 92KB)

2-12 Vehicle Operations and Driving(PDF, 118KB)

2-13 Traffic Enforcement(PDF, 243KB)

 2-14 Traffic Crash Investigation(PDF, 108KB)

2-15 Traffic Control(PDF, 292KB)

2-18 Trespassing(PDF, 274KB)

2-19 School Resources Officers(PDF, 169KB)

2-20 Bicycle Patrol(PDF, 219KB)

2-21 Special Weapons and Tactics(PDF, 190KB)

2-24 Child Abuse(PDF, 183KB)

2-26 Domestic Assault(PDF, 245KB)

2-28 Missing Persons(PDF, 100KB)

2-29 Sexual Assault(PDF, 179KB)

2-32 Police Motorcycles(PDF, 226KB)

2-33 Citizen Ride Along Program(PDF, 94KB)

2-34 Field Training and Evaluation Program(PDF, 251KB)

2-36 Search Warrants(PDF, 203KB)

2-40 Records Management(PDF, 215KB)

2-44 Communicable Diseases(PDF, 244KB)

2-45 Victim Services(PDF, 295KB)

2-47 Volunteers(PDF, 180KB)

2-49 Awards and Commendations(PDF, 110KB)

2-51 Uniforms Clothing and Equipment(PDF, 304KB)

2-56 Training(PDF, 154KB)

2-57 Promotion and Appointment of Sworn Supervisory Personnel(PDF, 287KB)

2-58 Telephone Reporting Unit(PDF, 196KB)

2-59 Crisis Negotiations Team(PDF, 173KB)

2-60 Mentally Ill Persons(PDF, 297KB)

2-61 Media Relations(PDF, 99KB)

2-62 Animal Control(PDF, 294KB)

2-63 Naloxone(PDF, 207KB)

2-64 Budget and Fiscal Management(PDF, 286KB)

2-67 Physical Fitness(PDF, 286KB)

2-69 Vehicle Pursuit(PDF, 114KB)

2-70 Foot Pursuits(PDF, 177KB)

2-72 Honor Guard(PDF, 282KB)

2-74 Peer to Peer Support Team(PDF, 138KB)

2-75 Communications Officer Training Program ECC(PDF, 106KB)

2-76 Civil Disturbance(PDF, 197KB)

2-77 Body Worn Cameras BWC(PDF, 176KB)

2-78 Peer Recovery Program(PDF, 177KB)

2-79 License Plate Readers LPR(PDF, 175KB)

2-80 Autonomous Traffic Enforcement(PDF, 173KB)